
Where Is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul’s Response in Romans 1–5 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This important work challenges the validity of the “New Perspective” on Paul and Judaism. Working with new data from Jewish literature and a fresh reading of Romans 1–5, Simon Gathercole produces a far-reaching criticism of the current approach to Paul and points a new way forward. Building on a detailed examination of the past generation of scholarship on Paul and early Judaism, Gathercole’s...

So, three elements can be affirmed as to the identity of the interlocutor in Romans 2: he is a Jew; he is a Jew who has not believed the gospel; and he is a representative of the nation as a whole. The context of “boasting” in 2:17, 23 is Paul’s list of Jewish privileges in 2:17–20. There is general agreement on the meaning of Ioudaios in 2:17. W. Sanday and A. C. Headlam focus on the national character: Jews over against the gentile nations.14 Yet this also
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